Nilex PRO ®
Nilex PRO® is a flexible Service Management Solution for any business processes that gives possibility of customizing according to organization’s needs.
NilexPRO includes functionalities from NileXpress and additionally special functionalities for companies with specific requirements - like customization of forms and reports, mobile bar code audit scanning or managing contracts. Through easy implementation, flexible scalability, modular licensing formats and high usability NilexPro ensures a positive experience for both- agents and end users.
In addition, Nilex PRO is designed to fit any kind of activity which helps to create corporate image and build business growth.
Product is intended for:
- Organizations with need for business process automatization
- Whether is needed high level of data security
- Managing business rules
NilexPRO in numbers:
- Inventories: 5000
- Supported features: 35
Advantages of using:
- Additional functionalities adaptive for corporate design
- Powerful reporting system
- Scheduling jobs