Best time for publishing on social media!
Some time points have proven to be more beneficial than others if you want your message to be more widely distributed on social media. Choosing different publishing times depends on which channels you are using. Among the Swedes, Facebook is the most widely used social media. General statistics have shown that users are most active on Thursdays and Fridays, at 3:00 pm, said to be a magical time that gives many clicks on posts. Logically enough, different target groups are active at different times. Those who engage in B2C can benefit from other times than the one who markets B2B.
Select time after channel
What weekday should you publish on to get the maximum spread in social media? There is no exact answer to that question, but it depends on which audience to reach the message. Job-related platforms that LinkedIn has more visitors during weekdays, statistics show that it is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday that companies should focus on. Channels where we seek inspiration, like Pinterest, have a greater number of visitors during the weekends. A tool like Twitter, which can be used to reach both B2B and B2C, follows the same logic. Those who want to get a good spread to companies should twittra during the weekdays, while those who want to reach out to individuals purely statistically get their message better on the weekends. However, for all groups, at 17:00 it has proved to be a great time to get many retweets. Here's an overview of the times when it's statistically worth paying the best to publish content:
● Facebook - after lunch (13:00 and 15:00 are two good times)
● Twitter - between 12:00 and 18:00
● Instagram - after 17:00 until 21:00
● LinkedIn - Morning (07:30) or later in the day (around 17:30)
● Google+ - Mornings 9:00 to 11:00
Collect channels for better overview
Think about if the company wants to achieve its presence bigger in social media and make a clear plan for where, how and when posts will be published. Keep in mind choosing channels that fit the company's strategy and goals. Analyze and measure the spread of publications at different times. A piece of advice to simplify the work is to get a good overview of the media channels that the company has chosen to use. Gathering this kind of information is time-saving and effective. The benefits of a solution that gives an overview of your activities in different channels like Facebook and Twitter include:
● Scheduled sync capabilities
● Overview of conversations in which the company is mentioned
● Simplified communication with customers
The Internet Foundation in Sweden (IIS) made the report "Swedes and the Internet 2017" which shows that four out of five Swedes use social media. Most popular is Facebook, which was used by 74% of the population in 2017, more than half of these were logged in daily.
Choosing the right times for publishing is a lot about what target group and how many the company wants to reach. However, it is not enough to have an idea of the best times for reaching out with a message. Organization and overview are of course equally important. Gathering channels enables such as scheduling and interaction with customers in social media. Want to know more about social media strategy, we've written a guide to you here!
With Nilex Social Media Manager, you can communicate with your customers through social media. You can connect your Social Media channels to our solution, which synchronizes posts and messages from your Facebook pages. Read more about our solution!